Sensual healing and massage

Since 2016, Jack has been offering a unique blend of touch therapy, integrating Tantra, Reiki, and sensual massage to women throughout the United States. His deeply personalized sessions are designed to restore balance, nurture the body, and awaken a deeper sense of self.

What they’re saying about The Tantric Cowboy:

  • Alison

    “He quickly put me at ease when I was feeling anxious as a result of serious past trauma. The time we spent together never felt rushed and I was encouraged to use my voice to express my desires and boundaries, something that left me feeling very empowered.”

  • Kim C.

    “Your gentle, safe touch and space immediately put me at ease, normally that takes me awhile, I thank you for that!”

    Kim C.
  • Valarie

    “I believe Jack was sent here to help heal those who are in pain. Whether that pain is physical or mental or both.”


Read More Testimonials or Learn about Jack and his four Guarantees
